Monday, September 14, 2009

Plants vs. Zombies

I first heard about Plants vs. Zombies while reading Jorge Garcia's (you know, he plays Hurley on "LOST") blog. I'm not usually one for computer games, but this one just kind of stuck in my head until I finally checked it out. I got the free trial download from PopCap here, then spent about three hours straight protecting my virtual house from the zombies that were crossing my yard to eat my juicy, delicious brains. That was enough to get me hooked, and I soon found myself at my local Target (love you, Target!!!) buying the full version. No matter where you go Plants vs Zombies costs $20. That doesn't seem like a big price to pay for the amount of entertainment I've gotten out of this game.

Thank heaven I picked it up before my cold hit me full-force. I've spent the bulk of my weekend watching NCIS marathons and devising strategies to keep scary, moaning zombies off my virtual front lawn. The awesome thing is that PvZ helped keep my mind off of how crappy I felt. The bad thing is that sometimes I got so anxious I would have to put it away for a bit. Sure it's funny, but I think there's something deeply disturbing about hearing crunching noises and seeing a giant THE ZOMBIES ATE YOUR BRAIN! flash across your screen when you lose. Thankfully, I win way more than I lose.

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