Friday, January 22, 2010

Motivation: Zero

Since work has slowed down I don't feel like working at all. And if I'm not working, I don't feel like doing much of anything else except watching TV or, if I'm feeling ambitious, playing video games. Wow, I'm a winner! Yesterday I made a batch of peanut butter fudge, got my house all cleaned up for book club, and even ran a few errands. It didn't help my motivation reserves, it depleted them. Today I'm like bleeeeeehhhh, as evidenced by the fact that it's 10:49, I'm unshowered (but dressed!), and have no plans to rectify that. Over the course of the week I've just been getting more and more tired, so I decided that today I would let myself sleep in and see if it helps any. I got up at 10:00 and I'm still groggy (it takes me at least three hours to wake up in the morning, I swear), so only time will tell if it did.

I had the weirdest freaking dream this morning right before I woke up. I dreamed I went to Italy on vacation with a bunch of my old coworkers, and while I was there I ran into Jorge Garcia (Hurley from LOST) and Duff Goldman (the Ace of Cakes). Jorge was very nice and signed autographs and posed for pictures, as I always suspected he would. But Duff Goldman was crazy (crazy awesome!) and insisted on hanging out with me and following me back to the house we were staying to take pictures and make out. Sadly, I woke up while we were still taking pictures. Figures. I can't even get lip action in my dreams. (And for the record, I would totally make out with Duff Goldman--helloooo, the man is hilarious and makes CAKES!)

But anyway, back to having no motivation. My sister suggested it might be my super awesome unmedicated depression rearing its ugly head, but I don't know. At least, I don't always want to blame everything on that, even though it would be really easy and much better than the alternative--that I really am this lazy. Or maybe I just need some new work projects. Fingers crossed I get more soon. Like, today.


Jules AF said...

I have no motivation either. Yesterday I woke up and did my dishes and almost DIED of shock.

Bebe McGooch said...

Blame SADD. I do.

My depression is medicated, but man this week has just been complete mehx30.