Monday, January 25, 2010

Marine biology

Me: Did they weigh you at the doctor's office today?

My sister: Yeah...

Me: Ugh, I wish they could just eyeball you and then assign a marine mammal that closest fits your physical description like, "Manatee."

[Later in the conversation...]

My sister: Doctors' scales always read so much higher than your scale at home.

Me: I know, you get on and it's like, "You weight one miiiillion pounds." And then you try to save face with, "I'm only 999,993 pounds on my home scale."


Jules AF said...

hahahahahahahahahaha awesome.

Bethany said...

Oh my gosh, I'd be terrified that they'd create an all new mammal to describe my weight.

My mother has started refusing to let the dr weigh her. Did you know you could do that. Truthfully, if your weight is roughly what it was the last time you went why do they need to humiliate yourself in public.

Or we could just institute a practice where the nurse that weighs you in must also take a turn on the scale after you. I could live with that.

April said...

hahahahaha! Yeeeesss!

I have on occasion told them they can skip the weighing. They don't care. They probably get sick of hearing excuses anyway!

My word verification is "rablesse," which sounds like a new adjective for a fat girl.