Wednesday, October 21, 2009

People I would like to punch in the face

Here are some people I would really like to punch in the face (in no particular order and not necessarily for any particular reason):

Michael Moore
Ann Coulter
Eddie Murphy
Laurent Ruquier
Bill Maher
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Susan Sarandon
The Barenaked Ladies
The checker at Target with the crappy "THUG" prison tat on his arm who's always grumpy
Bill O'Reilly
The idiots who have kept The Simpsons on the air ten years longer than they should have
The idiots who canceled Arrested Development and Futurama
The A-hole who teased me all through elementary school and junior high (sadly, he's still alive and hasn't died a horrible, horrible death)
Michael Douglas
Jane Fonda
Whoever wrote/composed "The Monster Mash"
My old boss(es)
Child and animal abusers and rapists (Let's all line up and form a punching machine on those guys)
Lindsey Lohan
Howard Stern
Kanye West
Martha Stewart
Perez Hilton (Thanks,!)

Who would you like to punch in the face?


Bebe McGooch said...

But I love the checker at Target with the crappy "THUG" prison tat on his arm!'s punch made me legally download one of their singles recently.

Anonymous said...

I agree. we need to punch the suckers at Fox that didn't keep AD on the air...

And I'd like to punch - probably the entire Yankee's team. I'm hoping that the Phillies will for me in the World Series.

...actually - make that - the entire American League.

I'd also like to punch:
Serial Murderes
Sean Hannity
Kieth Olberman

TOWR said...

Rachel, I love that you clarified that you *legally* downloaded their song. Haha! Poor, poor Fergie with her man-face.

Chococatania, Well hello, and thanks for dropping by! I wholeheartedly agree with your list of punch-worthy people.